Update eNOS

Update eNOS

Update an existing eNOS

This request will cost: AUD $0.00 per search

Please enter the required values to perform the search

The Client Reference is to help you identify your search. It can be your name, street or email address. (Not a mandatory field)

Purpose of the Notice of Sale information
The submitted information will be connected to the appropriate Torrens
Title dealing affecting the ownership details of land or a strata or
community title unit when that dealing is lodged for registration at NSW Land Registry Services.
Submission of this information within 30 days of a notifiable event and
its connection to the relevant dealing or instrument will satisfy the
following legislative provisions:

  • Local Government Act, 1993: section 604
  • Valuation of Land Act, 1916: section 71
  • Local Land Services Regulation, 2014: clause 24
  • Conveyancing Act, 1919: section 184E
  • Real Property Act, 1900

Purpose for which the supply of Notice of Sale information may not be used
  • Transfers of Crown holdings under the Crown Lands Act 1989
    (eg, permissive occupancies, road closures) or of any rateable
    lands which are not registered at NSW Land Registry Services.
  • Occupation (as distinct from ownership) of land rateable by
    Local Land Services.
  • To change ownership of a Water Access Licence (WAL) holder.

In the above cases, the new owner's details must be advised directly to
the prescribed authorities on the prescribed form.