Cadastral Records Enquiry

Cadastral Records Enquiry

The Cadastral Records Enquiry provides an electronic means to make remote searches of the NSW cadastre based on a title reference. The CRE search output incorporates: A selected portion of the Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB) (Locality Plan), a listing of associated titling notations:, a list of plans within the cadastre portion including their purpose and survey/compilation status

This request will cost: AUD $0.00 per search

Please enter the required values to perform the search

The Client Reference is to help you identify your search. It can be your name, street or email address. (Not a mandatory field)

The information delivered through the Cadastral Records Enquiry (CRE) is provided as
a searching aid only. The CRE accesses a number of NSW State Government data
systems. Users should be aware that the DCDB maintenance process occurs some
weeks following the titling system registration, with complex plans and plans triggering
validation and research activities taken offline from the database.

While every endeavor is made to ensure the most current available cadastral pattern
and all relevant annotations are accurately reflected, the Registrar General cannot
guarantee the information provided. Search content provided through the CRE is
updated on an ongoing basis. Search content provided in any CRE report is therefore
accurate only to the time of the search and the currency of the systems records

Where there is any doubt or discrepancy in search results, or for cadastral records
search activity prior to September 2002, please refer to other search resources,
including the Reference Map Search, copies of charting and reference maps, the DCDB
and the Integrated Titling System.