Deed Search by Name

Deed Search by Name

Provides deed details relating to vendor/purchasers, resumptions, unregistered deposited deeds registered from 1 January 1987 (Old System Vendors Index) and 1 January 1986 (Old System Purchasers Index) onwards. Manual indexes are available to search for records registered prior to that date.

This request will cost: AUD $0.00 per search

Please enter the required values to perform the search

Search By Surname, GivenNames

The Client Reference is to help you identify your search. It can be your name, street or email address. (Not a mandatory field)

Exact Order
Any Order Given Name

The information returned relates to information registered from 1 January 1987 (Old System Vendors Index)
and 1 January 1986 (Old System Purchasers Index) onwards.Manual indexes are available to search for records registered prior to that date.