Owner Lessee Inquiry
Please Note: NSW LRS Online and API Services will be offline between 10:00AM and 10:00PM on Sunday 23 February 2020.
Provides details of any auto titles that are currently owned or leased by an individual or corporation and details that match the supplied name(s) for the following: Current and previous owners of manual titles (Australian Registry Investments through NSW Land Registry Services integrated titling system is unable to determine whether the name requested is a current or previous owner of a manual title), Previous owners of automated titles, Lessee names for leases and expired leases for both automated and manual titles), Lessee names shown in the current/owner name section will be indicated by an “*” and will be for leases and transfer of lease registered since January 1998. Details will not be returned for Old System titles and also for names that have been suppressed by Australian Registry Investments through NSW Land Registry Services for security reasons.
This request will cost: AUD $19.70 per search
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