Security Interest in Goods Act

Security Interest in Goods Act

Provides deed details relating only to security interests in goods, e.g. bills of sale, stock mortgages and crop and wool liens registered after November 1992.

This request will cost: AUD $19.70 per search

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Search By Surname, GivenNames

Exact Order
Any Order Given Name

The Client Reference is to help you identify your search. It can be your name, street or email address. (Not a mandatory field)

1. The information returned relates to Security Interests in Goods, Bills of Sale, Stock Mortgages, Crop Liens and Wool Liens registered
by LPI between November 1992 and 20 January 2012.

2. LPI ceased registering security interests in goods on 20 January 2012. These interests are now recorded in the Commonwealth
Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR), which commenced on 30 January 2012.

3. All current records relating to security interests in goods registered by LPI from 1 January 2000 to 20 January 2012, as well as Bills of
Sale renewed after 1 January 2000, have been supplied to the Commonwealth and are available for access via the PPSR at

4. All security interests in goods registered by LPI up to 20 January 2012 remain available for search via the SIGA search.

5. For security interests in goods registered before November 1992 it is recommended that a manual search be undertaken at
NSW Land Registry Services, Level 30, 175 Liverpool Street, Sydney or a Deed Name Search made where it is
considered that an interest may have been registered in the General Register of Deeds.